March 1st - Bath County meat shower events with Owingsville Trade Days.
Craft vendors around the Old Courthouse Square
Food vendors on Main Street
Krafty Kids 11a @ the Bath County Memorial Library (BCML)
"Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs," 1 & 2 beginning at 1:30p (BCML)
March Mysteries book display (check out a book without seeing the cover-BCML)
Build a bird feeder Take & Makes

Every Tuesday
Big Blue Blocks free-play @ 3p
D&D Campaign 6p
Every Thursday
Big Blue Block free-play @ 3p
Science Squad 5p

March 22nd
Tomato program (learn to sow and transplant your seeds and seedlings)
March 24th
Board Meeting

March 29th
Big Blue Blocks free-play @ 1p
GRAC Readers Theater "Our Town" @ 3:30p
For up-to-date times, programs, and events, visit our programming calendar on our website, https://www.bathlibrary.org/services-2